Who We are

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Our Student Ministry is THE place to be for students in grades 6-12. Our student ministry exists to reach students for Jesus Christ and to connect them through meaningful relationships.  
We seek to grow students who honor God with their lives and serve others out of a passion for Him.

Growing Together

"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching"

 -Act 2:42

Our Life Groups offer an opportunity  for student to go deeper in to God's word and come to a greater understanding of what it means to serve our God.
Middle School and High School students can participate in our weekly Kingdom Worship Service , a fun & crazy time of hanging with friends and learning about God.

Weekly Activities


Life Groups - 9:00 AM
Kingdom Worship - 5:00 PM

Fellowshipping together

"And the Fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers"

 -Act 2:42

Our Student Ministry is THE place to be for students in grades 6-12.
Students also enjoy retreats, summer mission projects, fellowships, food, and tons of fun!

Sunday Morning Life Groups

Who is Jesus?
For many of us, this feels like an easy question to answer. After all, we’re caled to spend our lives following him and becoming more like him. But do we really know who we’re following? How can we be more like Christ if we don’t even know who Christ is?
Thankfully, Jesus makes it clear who he is. In the book of John, he tells us through a series of “I Am” state- ments that he is (among other things) the Way and the Truth and the Life, the Bread of Life, the Good Shep- herd, and the Light of the World. Knowing who Jesus is and believing in him is the only way God changes our lives. It can be easy to substitute our own logic or the world’s pleasures for the true life Jesus offers. We think we can earn salvation. We believe we can provide for and take care of oursevles. We linger in the darkness of our sins. But as we dive into Jesus’ “I Am” statements, we will discover that what Jesus offers is much better: himself. Jesus is irreplaceable!

Upcoming Events 

Thursdays on the Field
Join us for an exhilarating day of sports on the field, where you can compete in a variety of sports! It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase your skills, make new friends, and enjoy some healthy competition.
Come be a part of one or all of these exciting events and make lasting memories!
Busch Gardens
Join us Thursday, July 25at 8:30 am -9 pm
The cost is $65.
The cost covers transportation, your ticket, and one meal.  Students should bring some spending money for a second meal and/or snacks. If you have season passes, the cost is  $10 to help cover transportation costs.

Serving Together

"And they were selling their possessions and belonging and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need."

-Act 2:45

All throughout the New Testament, we see the pattern of believers receiving the gospel and then proclaiming it to others. Each gospel concludes with some version of Jesus commanding his disciples to go forth and preach the gospel to the world (Mt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15; Lk. 24:46-47; Jn. 20:21).
We all have that same calling on our lives today. As we are called to love God and to love others, one of the primary ways we do that is by pointing others toward the hope of the gospel— the good news that our glorious God has graciously saved us through Jesus Christ.

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