Our God is an amazing, loving and awesome God! Worship is how we praise and thank Him for who He is and what He has done. At Great Bridge Baptist Church, our Worship Ministry uses the gifts and talents God has given us to lead people into His presence to exalt and honor Him. We believe worship is less about musical style and more about the God we worship. Our goal as a Worship Ministry is not to get caught up in the style in which we worship but to get caught up in the greatness of the One we worship.

Weekly Activities


Sound Check

8:30 AM - Worship Center


10:30 AM - Worship Center

Student Choir

4:00 PM - Music Suite

Preschool & Kid’s Choirs

5:30 PM- Kid’s Wing


(does not meet during the summer)


5:30 PM- Upstairs Foyer


6:30 PM - Worship Center

Worship Choir

6:45 PM - Worship Center

Watch our past Community Christmas Celebration’s

Interested in serving on one of our many teams?

Fill out the form below and we will be in contact with you.


Chris Vlasek

Worship Pastor

Becky Atwood

Worship Ministry Assistant

Alan Brown

Orchestra Director

Billy DeCarmine

Media Director

Jenn Harrison

1st - 5th Grade Children's Choir Director

Marilyn McKim

P4 - K5 Choir Director

Melanie Dinkle

Handbells Director


Come one, come all to sing as our Worship Choirs span all generations! There is no audition necessary to participate, just a heart for praise and worship and a commitment to sing.

Worship Choir – Wednesdays  |  6:45 - 8:30pm  |  Worship Center
Open to all adults and dedicated high school students – Childcare available

Preschool & Kid’s Choirs – Wednesdays  |  5:30 - 6:30 PM  |  (during the school year)
P4 & K5  (Large Preschool Room - downstairs)
1st - 5th Grade (Kid's Praise Room - upstairs)

Student Choir – Sundays  |  4:00 - 5:00 PM  |  Music Suite
6th - 12th Grade  (during the school year with a Mission Trip in the summer)


The Orchestra partners with the Adult Worship Choir to provide inspirational 

and congregational music for Sunday morning worship.  The Orchestra is made up of both
advanced student and adult instrumentalists committed to being part of a weekly worship experience. If you play an instrument (woodwinds, brass, strings, percussion, drums, guitars, keyboards) come join us!

Orchestra – Wednesdays  |  6:30 - 8:00 PM  |  Worship Center
Open to all adults and dedicated high school students – Childcare available

Handbells – Wednesdays  |  5:30 - 6:30 PM  |  Upstairs Foyer
Open to all adults and dedicated high school students


Lights  |  Cameras  |  Sound  |  Video  |  Photography  |  Graphics  |  Recording  |  Editing

The Media Team's purpose is to create an environment to host and honor the Lord's presence through creativity.

Our team is comprised of volunteers whose goal is to transform the world through media and technology. Whether supporting our Sunday morning services, rehearsals, special events, or even running technical equipment in classrooms, the volunteers of the Media Ministry have a far-reaching impact across the entire campus of the church and beyond. There are many tasks that happen behind the scenes to equip the needs of our church. Open to high school students and adults, volunteers are trained and equipped with the appropriate technical experience, no matter their entry experience level.

Interested in serving on the Media Team? Fill the form out below and Billy DeCarmine will get in touch with you.

New to our Choir or Orchestra?

Click the button below