Kingdom Student Trip TaskForce...

Exists to allow our students an opportunity to raise funds for this summer’s mission trips while serving the local community.

What does TaskForce Do?

Do you have a job around your house that needs to be done? Yard work like weeding, mowing grass, mulching? Need something cleaned or organized?
But you don’t what to do any of it?
Then hire our Trip TaskForce! A team of highly dedicated students will come and serve in the name of the Lord.

How does TaskForce work?

1. Find jobs around your house you wish someone else would do
2. Fill out a work request (requests must be completed a minimum of two weeks before the job is expected.) 
3. Wait for the TaskForce team to review your request and determine the feasibility of the request (Filling out a request does NOT guarantee that TaskForce will be able to complete the task requested. There are some jobs we will not be able to take on either due to the extent of work or the availability of TaskForce members.)
4. Sit back and let the TaskForce take care of the work
5. Pay and Pray (all payments can be turned in to a TaskForce member when the job is completed or turned in directly to Great Bridge Baptist Church. We would also ask that you continually pray for our team both in pre trip preparation and that God would use the team in amazing ways.)

How much does it cost?

We charge a minimum of $10 an hour per TaskForce member that attends. You pick the number of TaskForce members, and the estimated time it will take for the Job to be completed. All funds raised go directly to the trip cost of those students doing the work. You are welcome to donate more than the minimum charge.

Why Use TaskForce?

When you use TaskForce you are helping create an opportunity for Students and Leaders of Kingdom student Ministry to move closer to their goal of serving the Lord outside of our Community. 

Work Requests

Student Sign Up 

Works Requests can be filled out Digitally or By Calling our Office. For Digital submission, follow the link below. For Call in submission, Call the office (757-482-2111) and ask for Teressa. 
If you are a student Attending one of our trips and wish to use the task force to raise funds for your trip please sign up by following the link below to join the TaskForce Team.